Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grad Project Show-n-Tell!! June 11 - 12

On Thursday and Friday, you will be sharing your graduation project progress with the class. Tuesday and Wednesday are planning days for your presentation (and any finishing up of your proposal/action plan).
Your presentation should include the following:
  • Your topic idea and why you chose it (10 points)
  • What your "action plan" will be (10 points)
  • Two-three websites that will be the most useful to your project (10 points)
  • Your collage and blog (10 points)
  • Any challenges you are facing or successes that you've had, etc. (10 points)

Your presentation will be worth 50 points and your participation as an audience member is worth 50 points.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 6 - What should I be doing...???

At this point, you can use the following list as a checklist of what you should have completed so far on your project:
  1. You have a solid topic
  2. You've developed your Essential and Foundation Questions
  3. 10-15 Key Terms and definitions are a gadget on your Blog
  4. Your collage is a gadget on your Blog
  5. "Did you Know...?" statistics and/or Unique Facts are posted on your Blog
  6. You've turned in your Webliography

Now, we are turning our attention to writing a proposal and trying to lay out the answers to 3 major questions:

  1. What is your project/What is the focus of your project?
  2. Why are you doing this project? Why did you pick this topic? What do you hope to learn, show, or accomplish with this project?
  3. What will your project look like in the end?

Ongoing things that you should be doing:

  1. Blogging (what's happening good/bad with your project?)
  2. Note taking - this should be the major focus to find the answers to your Foundation Questions - use the template, note-taking rubric...