Thursday, April 30, 2009

Zooming in on a Topic!!

Selecting a topic can be a difficult and sometimes scary task. Use your time today to really try to "zoom" in on a topic for your project.

  • If you don't have a topic, try working through an Interest Inventory. There are 2 different inventories on the front table available to you - try them out!

  • If you think you have one or more topic ideas, start searching for websites to gather Background Information. The first thing that you want to find out is if there is enough information available for you to pull from.
  • Find at least 3 websites that relate to each of the topics that you are thinking about and post links to them in your blog. Note: Don't just give the address (url), give the title of the page before the address.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Blogging in Class???

Welcome to the City High Class of 2010 (Trimester 2) Graduation Project Blog!Before you get started, you should learn something about this blogging business.

1. Read the New York Times article about blogging, "For Some, the Blogging Never Stops".
2. With the person next to you, answer the following 8 questions on a separate word document.

Answer in complete sentences.
  • What is blogging, according to the article?
  • How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?
  • What percentage of online users uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research?
  • What reason does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs?
  • How does Scott Lederer justify the time he spends blogging?
  • What does Jeff Jarvis mean by "the obligation to blog"?
  • According to Barabara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive than cash?
  • What are some of the pitfalls to frequent blogging?

3. Independently: Answer the following questions and post them as comments to this post:

  • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?
  • What makes another person's blog worth reading?
  • By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?