Monday, April 27, 2009

Blogging in Class???

Welcome to the City High Class of 2010 (Trimester 2) Graduation Project Blog!Before you get started, you should learn something about this blogging business.

1. Read the New York Times article about blogging, "For Some, the Blogging Never Stops".
2. With the person next to you, answer the following 8 questions on a separate word document.

Answer in complete sentences.
  • What is blogging, according to the article?
  • How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?
  • What percentage of online users uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research?
  • What reason does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs?
  • How does Scott Lederer justify the time he spends blogging?
  • What does Jeff Jarvis mean by "the obligation to blog"?
  • According to Barabara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive than cash?
  • What are some of the pitfalls to frequent blogging?

3. Independently: Answer the following questions and post them as comments to this post:

  • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?
  • What makes another person's blog worth reading?
  • By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?


  1. • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    I believe that it depends on how long you spend blogging. If you spend 2 or 3 hours a day on it, then it should be ok. If however, you spent the day blogging then it has probably become a serious problem

    • What makes another person’s blog worth reading?

    It makes you feel like you can connect with someone else or you just have a lot of free time and are really bored.

    • By what “rules” do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?

    I cant make rules for other people

  2. 1. I don’t really blog so therefore I can not answer the question right now but I think that it can interfere with your life.
    2. I believe that it can make you feel better that your not the only one going through that situation.
    3. I think that you should do what ever fits you.

  3. 1. Blogging is not my thing so it's harmless in my mind. If you do nothing but sit on the computer and write about your day then you're writing about sitting on the computer which is a sad blog. People have to go out and live to blog it so it's not that unhealthy.
    2. If your friend is a blogger you might be interested, they talk about things that interest you.
    3. Rules like being appropriate and keeping it G

  4. 1. personally me being a fellow blogger its all about how you organize your time. If you spend hours a day tot he point where it distracts you from everyday life then yes it is a obsession. but if its just a harmless hobby then no.

    2.All blogs have topics. some people can relate on those topics and others dont, depending on what the topic is and how you feel about it will decide your reaction to the blog itself.

    3.The main rules is to always respect what people have to say, even if we dont agree with each other.remebere that all people have an opinioin and they should all be herd.

  5. 1. I don't blog and I can't see people getting addicted to this. It's boring.
    2. If they have information that I need I guess I might look at there blog.
    3. I didn't know blogs have rules. They should say what comes to there mind.

  6. 1. I think that a blog is simply what you make it. If you let it consume so much of you life that it can be considered an addiction then yes it's unhealthy, but for a average blogger it's harmless.

    2. I think a blog would be worth reading if it provides useful information on a subject that interests me. If you share similar ideas or thoughts with the blogger than I can see it being appealing to read there opinions.

    3. In order to stick to the idea of freedom of speech that blogs are designed around I don't feel that there should be any rules for blogging.

  7. Yes and no, it is good to get to know new people and talk to people, but you also should meet real people and not just internet people.

    If they connect with the reader and actually reply and go on it.

    Pretty much keep it as clean as TV because you dont know everyone who is watching.

  8. 1. Blogs become bad for people when they become obsessed. It's unhealthy to use the computer too much in general, but blogging instead of doing your responsibilities is worse.
    2. I would read a blog if I found the person's observations comical or if I agreed with them. I read a book based on a woman who started a blog and later became an author and I thought she was really funny
    3. I don't think there should be any rules to blogging because the internet is the place of total freedom, and "protecting the children" can't be used as an excuse to censor people. There should be common courtesy though and people shouldn't post rude or offensive comments on other people's blog

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1. Bloggin is what you make of it if you choose to be on it 24/7 thats unhealthy but if just keep it as a journal and don't let it take over your life its ok.
    2.I think that maybe something that relates to makes someone else blog interesting or maybe if they have an exciting story.
    3.I don't think there should be any rules to bloggin you should have complete freedome to type post comment what you want when ever you want how ever you want.

  11. 1. Blogging is a bad habbit people get into which can cause unhealthy issues with people. When all you want to do is blog and not do things that are important it because a horrible obsession.
    2. I would read someones blog if I found that the person is interesting. Or if something catches my eyes looking through things I will read it.
    3. If blogging is used for a scholl project there should be limits to what you can do on it but if it is a free choice then no there shouldn't be any limits. People should be allowed to have a freedom of speach and some people do it by blogging.

  12. 1. No we live in America to be free if someone wants to blog 24/7 i think he should be allowed to without people thinking of it as an addiction.

    2. Another persons blog is only worth reading, if it fulfills the interest of the specific person reading it. An example would be I like to read a blog about sports not ponies.

    3. I dont think there should be any rules other than profanity, like i stated before we live in America to be free so we should be able to do what we want and talk about what we want.

    Sincerely, John Provident

  13. 1. No I do not think that means obsession because you can just like to reflict on what you saw or went through that day week.
    2. I believe the title of your blog intrest people the most to read your blog.
    3. That there is not a character limit or a limi at witch how many times you can blog in a time period.

  14. 1.) In my opinion i think that blogging can indicate signs of an unhealthy obsession. Blogging can help people to escape from reality which at times is not always a good thing.
    2.) For someones blog to be worth reading it would need to have a topic that I have an interest in. It will also need to be appealing in some why either by the language, layout or pictures.
    3.) Fellow bloggers should abide by the rules that when blogging anyone is able to read and view the blogs so they should not put information on their blog that will have a negative effect on them afterwards.

  15. Do you think constant blogging indicares signs of an unhealthly obession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    My point of view is that it is completely harmless unless you spend countless number of hours doing it. I've never actually blogged before so to me its harmless.

    What makes another persons blog worth reading?

    Its worth reading if its something that you find interesting. If you dont find it interesting then it really worth reading, or commenting.

    By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?

    I dont think there should be any rules to follow as you blog. Its what is on your mind, that you usually post, or comment. There should not be any rules to abide by while blogging.

  16. • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    Well, it would depend. If blogging was all the person did in their life, then i would say that it is a bad thing, but every now and then is alright.

    • What makes another person’s blog worth reading?

    For me an interesting blog would something that has some interest it to me.

    • By what “rules” do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?

    I don't think that there should be any limitations on blogging. I mean i person should be able to say what they, how they want to. That is why we have freedom of speech, it shouldn't be any different on the internet.

  17. 1. Blogging is different for each person. There are some who once a week they post a new blog, have others read it then post another. Then there are others who do it daily. At that point people can start to consider that that person has an unhealthy obsession with blogging.

    2. If another person's blog interests a person on a particular subject, go ahead and read it. Maybe you might like what they write and want to read more in the future.

    3. There are really no rules for blogging. A person could say whatever they want with no strings attached. However you never know who's reading so try to keep it clean people.

  18. 1. I have heard that we will have to present our project in front of a panel of people. I know some 12th grade students at the school.
    2.I want to structure and I am going to make it around epielepsy.
    3. I am concerned that I will be so into actually doing my project so I might forget to doing my project. I might forget what to put in it.

  19. 1. I think constant blogging indicates signs of a unhealthy obsession because the person may end up neglecting their friends, family, or job.
    2. I think a blog is worth reading if it contains information that I am interested in.
    3. There should be no rules but if a blog contains content that may offend people should contain a warning of some kind.

  20. • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    It would depend on how much time/effort you spend doing it and what the actual article is about.

    • What makes another person’s blog worth reading?

    If it is something I could use or worth while.

    • By what “rules” do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?

    Its a "Free For All". You shouldnt be limited. If you want to sound stupid, thats your choice. If you can actually post something worthwhile go ahead. No one is really allowed to limit you under the 1st Amendment.

  21. 1. I feel as though constant blogging is dangerous but its good to talk to other people who can relate to you or are in the same situation

    2. If a person's blog is interesting to read or if its something that I agree with, I'll read it.

    3. There are rules for everything. I think that people should always say nice things but can provide a little constructive criticism if needed. Basically just make sure its not purposely offending anyone personally.

  22. 1. I really dont care about blogging but i guess its fine.

    2. When a person is talking about something that is worth reading.

    3. Just follow the law.

  23. 1.) I don’t think there is a black and white answer to this question. If a person can maintain a healthy living and not become distracted form everyday tings by blogging constantly than it’s perfectly appropriate. Simultaneously, if blogging becomes too big an influence on a person’s life that it should be discontinued.
    2.) Learning how someone else thinks or feels about any given topic makes reading another person’s blog worthwhile.
    3.) With everything in life there are boundaries. There’s nothing wrong with expressing one’s self but at the same time it is important to keep other’s thoughts in mind and try to remain appropriate and inoffensive.

  24. 1. I don't think that blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless spirited past time. Some blogging indicates people's feelings, or work...etc. I think that if you blog too much then it might become a problem.

    2. Reading another person's blog might teach you something new.

    3. I think bloggers shouldn't put inappropriate thoughts in their blogs.

  25. 1) I think that it all depends on what you are blogging about. If you are doing a project and your blogging about your findings, that’s ok. But if your blogging about nothing, then constant blogging could be unhealthy.
    2) The only reason another person’s blog would be worth reading is if you are researching the topic they are blogging about.
    3) All the rules they give you, you should abide by when it comes to blogging. They give you all those rules for a reason

  26. 1.Personally I do not think that blogging indicated signs of an unhealthy obsession. I feel as though when someone feels the need to blog everyday it’s just something that they choose to do.
    2.I think that someone else’s blog is worth reading if it’s something that I am interested in.
    3.I think that blogs should be appropriate, you should have to have a certain amount of pictures and you should not be allowed to say certain things.

  27. 1.I would say that blogging as as harmless as scrapbooks or keeping a journal. It will be nice to look back at and fun to keep up with, but if people start becoming obsessed to the point where they miss out on real life activities to blog, that is weird. Do what keeps you happy though.

    2.The blogs worth reading are ones that peek your interest. So many people are interested in so many different things, so you can't aim to please everyone. You just have to hope for the best! I would say that if you the person blogging, thinks your own blog is boring, no one else will find it interesting.

    3.I think my fellow bloggers in this class should not swear or post awkward pictures of themselves on here because it is a class blog and I think some students don't realize teachers read this. Word to the wise!

    All my answers are long because I originally thought we were blogging this as a post. My bad.

  28. 1. Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    I think that is an unhealthy obsession if you blog a lot because it would take up a lot of time that you could use for more useful things than putting your information on the Internet where everyone could see.

    2. What makes another person's blog worth reading?

    If i am interested in the subject they are writing about I would probably read it but if not then it would be a waste of time reading it.

    3. By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?

    I think they should tell you what they think and be honest about it. They should also be respectful and write what they want to say respectfully.

  29. 1. I think that it depends on the person and what the topic is about. But for the reason why we are blogging we are putting it to good use. But blogging just to blog can be unhealthy.

    2. The reason for reading someone else blog is becasue you can get ideas from them and also give them some feedback and your also finding out new information.

    3. I think that bloggers should not tell there personal information but on the other hand they should have a freedom of speech .

  30. 1. I think that that constant blogging may be an obsession for many people if they spend to much of there time on it. It may be like a game addiction to some people.

    2. I think another person's blog is worth reading if it is something that is of intrest to you. If not you may find it boring.

    3. I think that all bloggers when commenting other bloggers blogs, should be respectful while writing and responding.

  31. • I do think it indicates an obsession but not necessarily an “unhealthy” one. Anything someone has to do (or can’t go a day without doing) is an obsession. It becomes unhealthy when you begin to neglect more important responsibilities.

    • The only way I am reading about someone else’s life is if it is funny. I really don’t want to read about someone’s travelling experiences. I like comedy type stuff.

    • I am totally against “cyber-bullying”. Being that blogs are public sites, people should be mindful of what they say and the opinions they post in order not to offend anyone.

  32. An obsession maybe yes but "unhealthy" no. People who start blogging and reeally get into it start to get obsessed with it which is not good not meaning unhealthy. Its not good because it can get to a point where you start ignoring other important things.

    It has to be interesting. There is always something that gets someones attention if the person is important or filled with good ideas.

    Since blogs are public sites everyone should be friendly and respect each other cyberbullying is not a good thing.

  33. I think that constant blogging is an unhealthy obbsession if it gets in the way of someones life. If it gets in the way of family and the regular everyday activities, like a job or excercise, then it is an unhealthy obsession.

    What makes another persons blog worth reading is if it relates to the reader or if it is helpful to finding information about something.

    I think that the rules that bloggers should follow are: no profanity and nothing deleberately offensive.
